Package: highcharter

highcharter: A Wrapper for the 'Highcharts' Library

A wrapper for the 'Highcharts' library including shortcut functions to plot R objects. 'Highcharts' <> is a charting library offering numerous chart types with a simple configuration syntax.

Authors:Joshua Kunst [aut, cre], Nuno Agostinho [ctb], Danton Noriega [ctb], Charlie Joey Hadley [ctb], Eduardo Flores [ctb], Dean Kilfoyle [ctb], Adline Dsilva [ctb], Kamil Slowikowski [ctb], Christian Minich [ctb], Jonathan Armond [ctb], David Breuer [ctb], Mauricio Vargas [ctb], Michael Yan [ctb], Bart Oortwijn [ctb], Paul Campbell [ctb]

highcharter.pdf |highcharter.html
highcharter/json (API)

# Install 'highcharter' in R:
install.packages('highcharter', repos = c('', ''))

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13.90 score 727 stars 18 packages 4.9k scripts 164k downloads 3 mentions 134 exports 60 dependencies

Last updated 11 months agofrom:c6584db937. Checks:1 OK, 7 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 06 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 06 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
City temperatures from a year in wide formatcitytemp
City temperatures from a year in long formatcitytemp_long
Function to create 'dataClasses' argument in 'hc_colorAxis'color_classes
Function to create 'stops' argument in 'hc_colorAxis'color_stops
Create vector of color from vectorcolorize
Helper to transform data frame for boxplot highcharts formatdata_to_boxplot
Helper to transform data frame for treemap/sunburst highcharts formatdata_to_hierarchical
Helper to transform data frame for sankey highcharts formatdata_to_sankey
Date to timestampsdatetime_to_timestamp dt_tstp
Function to create annotations arguments from a data framedf_to_annotations_labels
Helper function to download the map data form a urldownload_map_data
Function to export js file the configuration optionsexport_hc
Marshall's Favorite Barsfavorite_bars
Marshall's Favorite Piesfavorite_pies
Helper function to get the data inside the map data The urls are listed in <>.get_data_from_map
Auxiliar function to get series and options from tidy frame for
Helper to add annotations from data frame or listhc_add_annotation hc_add_annotations
Add modules or plugin dependencies to highcharts objectshc_add_dependency
Helpers functions to get FontAwesome icons codefa_icon fa_icon_mark hc_add_dependency_fa
Helpers to use highcharter as input in shiny appshc_add_event_point hc_add_event_series
Adding data to highchart objectshc_add_series
Shortcut for data series from a list of data serieshc_add_series_list
Add a map serieshc_add_series_map
hc_add_series for character and factor objectshc_add_series.character hc_add_series.factor
hc_add_series for data frames
hc_add_series for density objectshc_add_series.density
hc_add_series for forecast objectshc_add_series.forecast
hc_add_series for geo_json & geo_list objectshc_add_series.geo_json hc_add_series.geo_list
hc_add_series for lm and loess objectshc_add_series.lm hc_add_series.loess
'hc_add_series' for numeric objectshc_add_series.numeric
hc_add_series for time series objectshc_add_series.ts
hc_add_series for xts objectshc_add_series.ohlc hc_add_series.xts
Add themes to a highchart objecthc_add_theme
Annotations options for highcharter objectshc_annotations
Boost options for highcharter objectshc_boost
Caption options for highcharter objectshc_caption
Chart options for highcharter objectshc_chart
Coloraxis options for highcharter objectshc_colorAxis
Colors options for highcharter objectshc_colors
Credits options for highcharter objectshc_credits
Drilldown options for highcharter objectshc_drilldown
Setting 'elementId'hc_elementId
Exporting options for highcharter objectshc_exporting
Labels options for highcharter objectshc_labels
Legend options for highcharter objectshc_legend
Loading options for highcharter objectshc_loading
Mapnavigation options for highcharter objectshc_mapNavigation
Mapview options for highcharter objectshc_mapView
Setting Motion options to highcharts objectshc_motion
Navigator options for highcharter objectshc_navigator
Pane options for highcharter objectshc_pane
Plotoptions options for highcharter objectshc_plotOptions
Rangeselector options for highcharter objectshc_rangeSelector
Responsive options for highcharter objectshc_responsive
Removing series to highchart objectshc_rm_series
Scrollbar options for highcharter objectshc_scrollbar
Series options for highcharter objectshc_series
Changing the size of a 'highchart' objecthc_size
Subtitle options for highcharter objectshc_subtitle
Creating highcharter themeshc_theme
Theme collection for highchartshc_theme_538 hc_theme_sparkline_vb hc_theme_tufte2
Alone theme for highchartshc_theme_alone
Bloomberg Graphics theme for highchartshc_theme_bloom
Chalk theme for highchartshc_theme_chalk
Dark Unica theme for highchartshc_theme_darkunica
Dotabuff theme for highchartshc_theme_db
Economist theme for highchartshc_theme_economist
Elementary (OS) theme for highchartshc_theme_elementary
Firefox theme for highchartshc_theme_ffx
Flat theme for highchartshc_theme_flat
Flatdark theme for highchartshc_theme_flatdark
Financial Times theme for highchartshc_theme_ft
ggplot2 theme for highchartshc_theme_ggplot2
Google theme for highchartshc_theme_google
Grid Light theme for highchartshc_theme_gridlight
Hand Drawn theme for highchartshc_theme_handdrawn
Highcharter theme for highchartshc_theme_hcrt
Merge themeshc_theme_merge
Monokai theme for highchartshc_theme_monokai
Null theme for highchartshc_theme_null
Sand Signika theme for highchartshc_theme_sandsignika
Simple theme for highchartshc_theme_smpl
Sparkline theme for highchartshc_theme_sparkline
Superheroes theme for highchartshc_theme_superheroes
Tufte theme for highchartshc_theme_tufte
Title options for highcharter objectshc_title
Tooltip options for highcharter objectshc_tooltip
Xaxis options for highcharter objectshc_xAxis
Yaxis options for highcharter objectshc_yAxis
Creating multiples yAxis t use with highchartscreate_axis create_yaxis hc_add_yAxis hc_xAxis_multiples hc_yAxis_multiples hc_zAxis_multiples
Zaxis options for highcharter objectshc_zAxis
Define aesthetic mappings. Similar in spirit to 'ggplot2::aes'hcaes
Define aesthetic mappings using strings. Similar in spirit to 'ggplot2::aes_string'hcaes_ hcaes_string
Shortcut to make a boxplothcboxplot
Create a highchart object from a particular data typehchart
Plot survival curves using Highchartshchart.survfit
Shortcut to make icon arrays chartshciconarray
Shortcut for create map from <> collection.hcmap
Shortcut to create parallel coordinateshcparcords
Add point to a series of a higchartProxy objecthcpxy_add_point
Add data to higchartProxy elementhcpxy_add_series
Show or hide loading text for a higchartProxy objecthcpxy_loading
Redraw a higchartProxy objecthcpxy_redraw
Remove point to a series of a higchartProxy objecthcpxy_remove_point
Remove series to higchartProxy elementhcpxy_remove_series
Update data for a higchartProxy objecthcpxy_set_data
Update options for a higchartProxy objecthcpxy_update
Update options series in a higchartProxy objecthcpxy_update_point
Update options series in a higchartProxy objecthcpxy_update_series
Shortcut to make spkarlineshcspark
Shortcut for create treemapshctreemap
Shortcut to create treemaps.hctreemap2
Transform colors from hexadecimal format to rgba hc notationhex_to_rgba
Create a Highcharts chart widgethighchart
Create a Highcharts chart widgethighchart2 highchartzero
An 'htmlwidget' interface to the Highcharts javascript chart libraryhighcharter
highcharter exported operators and S3 methods%>% highcharter-exports JS tags
Widget output function for use in ShinyhighchartOutput highchartOutput2 highchartOutputZ
Send commands to a Highcharts instance in a Shiny apphighchartProxy
Chart a demo for testing themeshighcharts_demo
Lays out highchart widgets into a "grid", similar to 'grid.arrange' from 'gridExtra'.hw_grid
Check if a string vector is in hexadecimal color formatis.hexcolor
Reports whether x is a highchart objectis.highchart
Convert an object to list with identical structurelist_parse list_parse2
Visual comparison of Mountains Panoramamountains_panorama
Modify data frame according to mappingmutate_mapping
Function to generate iidsrandom_id
Widget render function for use in ShinyrenderHighchart renderHighchart2 renderHighchartZ
String to 'id' formatstr_to_id str_to_id_vec
Helper to create charts in tooltips.tooltip_chart
Helper for make table in tooltipstooltip_table
US Counties unemployment rateunemployment
US Counties map in Geojson format (list)uscountygeojson
US States map in Geojson format (list)usgeojson
World map in Geojson format (list)worldgeojson